Social Media Link Wheel – Riding the Wheels of Future
Do you wish to reach higher levels of Social Media before others do? Then you have to ride the link wheel and race past other and find success in Social Media Marketing. Social Media Marketing through microsites (blogs) is not strange to anyone anymore. But what remains strange to everyone is, why do the search engine spiders ignore these microsites? Because the search engines are spiders and they cannot identify a chain of information unless we notify them. SubmitINme has learned the “search spider language” through all these years and we know how to attract them.
As you know “content is the king” in SEO. However, things have changed a lot these. While unique content is still importance to SEO, you have an additional task to let the search engine know that all these fresh content belongs to you. This can be accomplished by forming a chain link between the content distributed online. This is what we call as “Link Wheel”.
Forging The Perfect Link Wheel
There were hundreds of link wheel strategies that came online through the past few months. All these days, SubmitINme was silent because we were under the process of research in finding the perfect link wheel, which is really effective and non-spammy. Remember that not all link wheels are liked by the search engines. In fact link wheeling without following the SEO rules will damage the SEO advantage of your website. However, the social link wheel that SubmitINme has forged is totally safe and complies with the search engine rules as well.
Know How The Wheel Is Made Before You Buy It
We are not overwhelming you technically. Explained simple, Social Link Wheels is formed with a group of popular social media sites such as blogger, wordpress, live journal etc. To forge the link wheel, all you have to supply is the main keywords of your website that you wish to optimize.
The Initial Preparation
As a first step, our well experienced SEO researchers will find well-related sub-keywords for each of the main keywords that you supply. So with a group of well arranged keywords, SubmitINme’s team of professional content developers will write unique and informative content. All these content will be sent for your review. Upon approval of the content, we will execute the great link wheel strategy
The Strategy
The unique articles that are written based on the main keywords that you provide will go into the top Social media sites of the inner wheel – Blogger, WordPress, LiveJournal, Windows Live Spaces and Weebly (sites vary depending on the package you choose). Another set of content written on the sub keywords will be distributed each to popular social media sites in the outer wheel. Now we have groups of social media sites with unique content, ready to be linked. This is where the expertise of SubmitINme’s team comes into play. Our team will form link wheels with these social media properties (linking the best related keywords) as in the figures.